We Hacked Susan Sarandon’s Computer and You Won’t Believe What We Found

Famous Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon has been dominating news headlines for recent comments that many have interpreted as an endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

When asked by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes whether she could bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton in the case that she secured the nomination, Sarandon said, “I don’t know. I’m going to see what happens,” before adding, “Some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in, things will really explode.”

Due to the incendiary nature of Sarandon’s comments, our team of professional hackers breached her privacy and hacked her electronics in order to investigate her political alignment and threat level to the United States. Our team of extremely good hackers obtained a screenshare showing Sarandon browsing on her personal laptop. What we found when we illegally disregarded her privacy will both shock and disgust you.


Video by Mollie Kather
Preface by Cristian Uriostegui

                                                                             – THE CLOVE –