Remember when Jim Webb bragged about Killing a Guy on National TV?

Holy shit. Like that’s fucking wild. Who the hell says that? How do you think that conversation played out with his staff before the debate? I think it went almost exactly like this:

CHIEF OF STAFF: “Senator Webb, I’d advise you to avoid telling the Vietnam anecdote, it is rather… uh bleak.”


JIM “FUCKING” WEBB [looking his chief of staff straight in the eye]: “No, I am certainly definitely going to talk about Killing A Guy during a presidential debate.”

“This is something that is going to happen and you need to accept it.”


CHIEF OF STAFF: “Well, maybe you could change part of the story. Like the part where you end a life.”


JIM “PAIN” WEBB: “No can do. Dave, I’m a straightshooter, which means I shoot straight at people until they are dead.”


CHIEF OF STAFF [worriedly]: “Jim please, I don’t think that will resonate well with the voters who dislike stuff such as intimate descriptions of violence from a presidential candidate.”


JIM “MURDERCAT” WEBB: “I think those voters will come around to my way of thinking after they hear me speak.  Now, let’s work on my closing line.”

“Why should I be president? Well, I’ve done the most one-on-one murder of anyone here, no doubt.”


CHIEF OF STAFF: “Senator, I’m not sure that’s how we want to end the debate, also are you going to smile exactly like that as you tell the story? It’s somewhat… off-putting.”


JIM “THE REAPER” WEBB [smiling]: No.

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Written by Michael Loukeris 

                                                                 – THE CLOVE –